Monday, April 11, 2011

I wish I were hyperthyroid.......

I'm pretty sure I didn't wake up today and intend on sharing my views on eating and exercise with the world. I think I woke up, hit 2 alarm clocks (yes, it does take TWO alarms to get me out of bed), and then decided I would shower. Somewhere between deciding which socks were mine and which were my boyfriends, I was thinking about what the best food and drink options for the day would be and what time I would shake my booty.
It all starts so innocent.
Unfortunatly, I'm a social eater. I don't eat because I'm upset, mad, irrational (I mean, I'm NEVER irrational), and I don't even really eat just out of happiness. I eat poorly because I go out with friends and family, and that puts me in this super relaxed mood and I think, "oh, it doesn't matter. Eat whatever. Everyone else is too!" And then ensues chips and salsa until it all rolls downhill.
I actually do pretty well, overall. I am not the type of person who dwells on every morsel that hits my mouth. I think I should dwell more, but hey. I mean I'm in my 20's. Metabolism is fast, right? It's fast until you hit...say....29. Then it's down hill.
I used to be able to slightly watch what I eat and exercise some, and then I would remain at least "average". (What the hell is average, btw? I mean, WHO decides what average is? My average is different than Jessica Alba's average. But oh how I WISH they were similar....). Now I have to watch everything. I mean EVERYTHING. I wish I could have a nice, lean, anorexics body. I mean, bad breath and nasty teeth, but who cares? You're THIN! And doesn't thin taste the best?
Here goes the beginning of a slow journey on the road to, well, thin-ness.
I mean, what better time of year to start this journey than the season of Reeses's peanut butter Easter eggs, right?

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the bloggy world. :) Also...Reeses's Easter eggs are my good but so evil.
